這段影片是Mariah Carey前些日子在Palm Springs Film Festival憑著電影Precious (中譯:珍愛人生)獲頒最佳突破女演員獎時的致詞,看得我笑到肚子痛啊!
Mariah Carey's 'Precious' Acceptance Speech: Drunk, Or Just Weird?
by Monica Herrera, N.Y. | January 06, 2010 12:46 EST
Normally the Golden Globes are the go-to awards show for head-scratching, cocktail-enhanced acceptance speeches, but Mariah Carey provided the goods about a week early at last night's Palm Springs International Film Festival awards, where she won Breakthrough Actress for her turn as a social worker in "Precious."
"I have to say...this is....and please forgive me because I'm a little bit, um...yeah!" Carey starts out, implying that she may have had a little too much bubbly to drink before her acceptance speech. Judging by "Precious" director Lee Daniels' face, even he can't quite believe what he's witnessing.
"I'm very grateful," Carey finally ends before leaving the stage. "I thank you all for listening to my little spiel, and, um, God bless you."
No, God bless you, Mariah.
你看這位記者還酸了Mariah,Mariah最後說「God bless you」,那位記者則是回說「No, God bless you, Mariah.」真的是酸人不太髒字啊!這句話pH值應該小於7很多很多...
另一篇的新聞稿(以下翻譯 感謝ptt Mariah Carey版版主 amo07)
瑪麗亞凱莉在日前的Palm Springs Film Festival上又失態了。在領取演技突破女演員獎時,她發表了一篇冗長、顧左右而言他的得獎感言。
Mariah Carey lived up to her sometimes loopy reputation at the Palm Springs International Film Festival awards as she gave a long, rambling acceptance speech after being named Breakthrough Actress for her performance in "Precious: Based on the Novel 'Push' by Sapphire."
Precious導演Lee Daniels一個熊抱,甚至還跳了一小段舞。
Carey, teetering in a skin-tight, black-beaded full-length Herve Leger gown,was escorted onto the stage Tuesday night, and at the podium, greeted her presenter and "Precious" director Lee Daniels with a little dance and a big hug.
Carey hesitated for a few seconds, looked to the ceiling, sighed and said, "Please forgive me, because I'm a little bit, um ..." An audience member finished the sentence for her with an obscenity, to which Carey replied,"Yeah!" adding a long, hearty laugh.
"Oooooooh, my goodness!" she bellowed.
接著,瑪麗亞漫不經心地說到她第一次讀Precious電影原著、第一次見到原著作者、和遇到另外一位婉拒演出Precious的女演員Helen Mirren的情形等等。
For the next few minutes, Carey rambled on about first reading "Push," about meeting author Sapphire, and about meeting one of the night's other honorees, Academy Award-winner Helen Mirren, whom Daniels said turned down the "Precious" role.
In the midst of praising Daniels' work, Carey spontaneously burst into applause.
"Sorry," she told Daniels. "Sometimes I get a little ..." Carey then stopped cold to snap her fingers, then added "... you know, difficult." And then she giggled again.
If people don't understand me and think I'm just like this girl that stands by a microphone and sings 'Hero' then they're definitely not gonna get me. If people knew me better, they would understand "I have a sense of humor" and basically that's what gets me through life.
我想應該還是有很多人對她的印象停留在Hero這首歌吧!後來的Mimi (Mariah的小名)真的不是這樣,哈!喜歡賣弄風騷,騷首弄姿,對愛情抱著不切實際的幻想,永遠像個14歲的小女孩,這才是真實的Mimi啊!(笑)
畢竟峰大喜歡她可是超過10幾年的!從Music Box(1993)就開始愛她到現在!雖然Mimi在這頒獎典禮大失態,但我覺得她很真,一點都不做作,這樣的表現反而很可愛!
不免要幫她宣傳最新專輯Memoirs of An Imperfect Angel不完美天使!可別被這三面嚇娃的封面給震懾到囉!
最後則是這部讓Mariah Carey獲獎的電影Precious (中譯:珍愛人生),看預告就是部很棒的片子!